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文章来源:《读书》1989 年第 6 期 “儒学第三期发展的前景问题”虽然是近年来在海内外知识界争议性很大的课题,但环绕 着“儒学的现代命运”而对中国传统文化的再生进行反思却是“五四”运动以来中国学术界各大 流派的共同关切。其实,以“儒学第三期的发展”为文化志业的努力在台港新马和北美各地的 中国哲学思想也已进行了三、四十年之久。一般的理解,“当代新儒家”有广狭两义。狭义的 “当代新儒家”,不妨以《中国论坛》(联合报系的知识性杂志)一九八二年在台北召开的以“当 代新儒家”为议题的国际学术讨论会为例,只以熊十力、梁漱溟、唐君毅、徐复观和牟宗三 五位学人的思想为评断的对象。不过,众所周知,即使严格地定义当代新儒家,至少方东美、 钱穆及冯友兰的思想也应列入考虑。广义的“当代新儒家”所指涉的范围旁及学术、知识、文 化和政治各领域,包括的人物就相当多了。可是,五四以来儒学虽然经过三代学人的重建, 目前所争取到的,只不过是“一阳来复”的生存权利而已,因此“儒学第三期发展的前景”仍旧 是个大家争议不休的问题。 一九八八年三月号的《读书》发表了黄克剑针对我《儒学第三期发展的前景问题》而撰 写的鸿文,集中我有关“文化认同”的论点,提出八点质疑。自从八五年春季北京大学忝列教 师之林主讲“儒学哲学”并在中国文化书院作学术报告公开表示要对儒家传统进行“同情了解” 以来,已经在海内外的报章杂志读到好几篇“商榷”的文字。本来很想一一作答,但因为批评 者多半怒气冲冲而我自己也有不易消解的情结,深恐跳不出“剪不断,理还乱”的迷惘,徒增 扰扰而已,结果精神不能凝聚无法动笔。不过,至今我所能见到的对我的观点所作的评介和 抨击都发挥了“直谅多闻”的益友作用;尽管尚未观诸文字,我和这些益友们所进行对话已使 我更清楚地认识到儒学研究的错综复杂和现实涵义。今年春夏之交,应台湾大学的哲学和历 史两系之邀为文史哲的研究生开设了一门以“现代精神与儒家传统”为题的选修课,较系统地 回顾了这几年因探索儒学第三期发展而接触到的课题。黄先生的质疑是深思熟虑后的结论, 饶有理趣,值得详论,但所涉及的范围甚广,不可能一次作答,现仅就其荦荦大端先提三点 意见,作番初步的分疏。

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1988 Oct, Bulletin of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, A Confucian Perspective on the Rise of Industrial East Asia, Tu Weiming

Journal Article A Confucian Perspective on the Rise of Industrial East Asia Tu Wei-ming Bulletin of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Vol. 42, No. 1 (Oct., 1988), pp. 32-50 Topics: Chinese culture, Government bureaucracy, Korean culture, Government officials, … Continue reading

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1988-Buletin of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences-A Confucian Perspectivve on the Rise of Industrial Asia-Tu Weiming

JOURNAL ARTICLEA Confucian Perspective on the Rise of Industrial East Asia Tu Wei-mingBulletin of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Vol. 42, No. 1 (Oct., 1988), pp. 32-50Topics: Chinese culture, Government bureaucracy, Korean culture, Government officials,Japanese culture, Alienation, Self, Political ideologies, Confucian ethics, Economic development Peking University Library:

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1988, Revue Bibliographique de Sinologie, Zaitan ruxue fazhan de qianjing wenti_ du Zhang Chunbo Zuotanhui shuping hou de liang dian ganxiang

JOURNAL ARTICLEReview “Zaitan ruxue fazhan de qianjing wenti: du Zhang Chunbo Zuotanhui shuping hou de liang dian ganxiang” 再談儒學發展的前景問題(讀張春波「座談會述評」後的兩㸃感想). Zhongguo zhexueshi yanjiu 1988, 1 by Weiming DU, 杜維明 Review by: A. ChengRevue Bibliographique de Sinologie, NOUVELLE SÉRIE, Vol. 6 (1988), p. 277

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1987 Jul, Philosophy East and West, Reviewed Work(s): Confucian Thought: Selfhood as Creative Transformation by Tu Wei-Ming

JOURNAL ARTICLEReview Confucian Thought: Selfhood as Creative Transformation by Tu Wei-Ming Review by: Kirill O. ThompsonPhilosophy East and West, Vol. 37, No. 3 (Jul., 1987), pp. 323-325 Peking University Library:

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1987, Daedalus, Iconoclasm, Holistic Vision, and Patient Watchfulness: A Personal Reflection on the Modern Chinese Intellectual Quest, Tu Weiming

JOURNAL ARTICLEIconoclasm, Holistic Vision, and Patient Watchfulness: A Personal Reflection on the Modern Chinese Intellectual Quest Tu Wei-mingDaedalus, Vol. 116, No. 2, Past and Present (Spring, 1987), pp. 75-94Topics: Chinese culture, Iconoclasm, Intelligentsia, Marxism, Traditions, Humanism,Liberalism, Eastern philosophy Peking Universtiy Library:

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1986 Jul, The Journal of Religion, Reviewed Work(s): Confucian Thought: Selfhood as Creative Transformation by Tu Wei-Ming

JOURNAL ARTICLEReview Confucian Thought: Selfhood as Creative Transformation by Tu Wei-Ming Review by: Chad HansenThe Journal of Religion, Vol. 66, No. 3 (Jul., 1986), pp. 359-360 Peking University Library:

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1986, The Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, Reviewed Work(s): Confucian Thought: Selfhood as Creative Transformation by Tu Wei-ming

JOURNAL ARTICLEReview Confucian Thought: Selfhood as Creative Transformation by Tu Wei-ming Review by: T. H. BarrettJournal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, No. 2 (1986), p. 319 Peking Universiry Library:

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1983,Die neokonfuzianische Ontologie (Tu Wei-ming)

Max Webers Studie über Konfuzianismus und Taoismus Inerpretation und Kritik P271 – P297

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1981 Jul, Philosophy East and West, Futher Thoughts, Tu Weiming

JOURNAL ARTICLEFurther Thoughts Tu Wei-mingPhilosophy East and West, Vol. 31, No. 3 (Jul., 1981), pp. 273-277Topics: Desire, Morality, Humans, Self knowledge Peking University Library:

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