Administrative and Academic Services
Main Appointments
- 1966-1967 Lecturer in the Humanities, Tunghai University, Taiwan.
- 1968-1971 Assistant Professor in East Asian Studies, Princeton University.
- 1971-1981 Successively Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor of History, University of California at Berkeley.
- 1981- present Professor of Chinese History and Philosophy, Harvard University.
- 1983-1986 Chairman, Committee on the Study of Religion, Harvard University.
- 1986-1989 Chairman, Department of East Asian Languages and Civilization, Harvard University.
- 1996-present Director, Harvard-Yenching Institute.
- 1999- present Honored as the Harvard-Yenching Professor of Chinese History and Philosophy and of Confucian Studies, Harvard University. It is the first time that a professorship on “Confucian Studies” in the English-speaking world.
Selected Other Appointments
- 1981- present Chair, Harvard Seminar in Confucian Studies.
- 1986- 1989 Overseas Member of Board of Directors, Institute of East Asian Philosophy, Singapore.
- 1988- present Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
- 1990 Visiting Professor at L’Ecole Practique des Haute Etudies, Paris.
- 1990-1991 Director, Institute of Culture and Communication, East-West Center, Hawaii.
- 1993- present Co-chair, Seminar on “The Chinese in the Global Community,” Aspen Institute
- 1995-present Chair, Advisory Board of the Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica, Taiwan.
- 1997-present Member of the International Advisory Panel, Centre for Civilisational Dialogue, University of Malaya.
- 1998- present Member of the Advisory Committee to the Program Committee of the American Philosophical Association.
- 1998- present Member of the International Advisory Panel, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, National University of Singapore.
- 1983-86年,哈佛大学宗教研究委员会主席。
- 1986-89年,东亚语言和文明系系主任。
- 1988年,美国人文与科学院院士。
- 1989年,美国夏威夷东西文化交流中心主任。开拓了“文化中国”及“文明对话”论域。
- 1996年至2008年,哈佛燕京学社社长。
- 2001年,应联合国前秘书长科菲•安南的邀请参加为推动文明对话而组建的“世界杰出人士小组”。
- 2002年,马来西亚拉曼大学的国际顾问。
- 2004年10月8日,国际儒联副主席。
- 2005年,长江商学院人文委员会主席。
- 2006年10月25日,浙江大学儒商与东亚文明研究中心名誉主任。
- 2008年,国际哲学联合会(FISP)常务会员。
- 2009年,帮助北京大学组建高等人文研究院(Institute for Advanced Humanistic Studies, Peking University),并出任首任院长。
- 2010年,国际哲学学会(IIP)院士(代表中国)。
- 2013年7月26日,杜维明教授参加ARC大会,被选为“国际儒家生态联盟”主席
- 《哈佛东亚学报》
- 《东西哲学》
- 《二十一世纪》
- 《明报月刊》
- 《当代》