“Confucianism & Prof Tu Weiming” on Faith Matters by WGTEWGTE电视台即将播出“信仰攸关”第五集:儒家与杜维明教授

Coming Soon to Faith Matters: Confucianism & Prof. Tu Weiming

Faith Matters is a new WGTE series that explores contemporary religious issues, beliefs and practices of the great religious traditions of the world. Discussions include Religion & Violence, Religion & Consumerism, Contemporary Islam & Women.

In an upcoming episode “Confucianism & Prof. Tu Weiming“, Dr. Jeanine Diller, Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy & Program in Religious Studies at the University of Toledo talks with Professor Tu Weiming, Director of the Institute for Advanced Humanistic Studies at Peking University and Professor of Harvard University about traditional Confucianism and the development of Confucianism in modern life.WGTE 电视台最新製作的“信仰攸关”系列节目探讨世界伟大宗教、信仰和传统在当代的实践问题。讨论主题包括宗教与暴力,宗教和消费主义,当代伊斯兰教与妇女等。


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