The first session of Confucian text reading was hosted by Prof. Tu Weiming at the Institute for Advanced Humanistic Studies at Peking University on Saturday, December 4th, 2010.
The first session of Confucian Classics Reading Group was held by Prof. Tu Weiming at the Institute for Advanced Humanistic Studies at Peking University on Saturday, 4th of December.
The participants of this session of Classics Reading Group consist of undergraduate students, graduate students, faculty members, and leaders of various universities and academic departments. Among the participants, there were also many enthusiastic supporters in local community.
This reading session has two main agendas. First, guided by Prof. Tu Weiming, the participants carried out small group discussion after reading the first paragraph of Confucius’ “Great Learning”. Secondly, the participants exchanged ideas on the significance of such group reading and the form of future reading sessions.
The Classics Group Reading sessions will be held regularly in the future. Through continuous exploration and innovative study of Confucian classics, the participants hope to popularize the Chinese classics, to provide opportunities for people of various academic backgrounds to study the classics, and to ignite higher interests in the foundation of one’s own culture. It is also the ongoing effort of the Institute for Advanced Humanities Studies to achieve such a goal.
接下来, 大家就今后经典会读的形式展开了讨论。发言的人有来自燕京读书会、一耽读书会等老牌读书会创立者;有校方和院方的领导人;有来自学生社团和草根组织的人士;有文史哲相关专业硕士、博士生;有理工科本科生及研究生;还有法律界及教育界的达人。各方人士都对这次“非同寻常”的会读活动提出了创新的意见和建议。