
国际哲学学院(International Institute of Philosophy)于1937年在法国巴黎成立,是国际哲学界高层次学术组织和资深荣誉机构,它致力于在世界范围内推进高水平的哲学研究,并与世界上102个国家、300多所大学有交往和交流活动。国际哲学学院的宗旨是:在哲学精神的指引下,将全世界哲学领域的精英和有识之士聚集起来,为提升全人类的福祉而努力。

  国际哲学学院院士由来自40多个国家的杰出哲学家组成,其推选程序为:首先由院士提名,最后经院士会议投票而确定。曾任和现任的院士包括阿佩尔(Apel 德国)、哈贝马斯(Habermas 德国)、Hintikka(芬兰)、今道友信(Imamichi Tomonobu 日本)、 Lektorski(俄罗斯)、塞尔(John Searle 美国)、Charles Parsons(美国)、 普特南(Hilary Putnam 美国)等著名学者。



Professor Tu was elected member of IIP

Tu Weiming (Research Professor and former Harvard-Yenching Professor of Chinese History and Philosophy and of Confucian Studies) was elected titular member of the
International Institute of Philosophy (IIP), representing China, by its latest general assembly (held in Paris on September 17).  

IIP, the oldest “honor society” in philosophy, has been dedicated to philosophical inquiry as a global joint venture since 1937.  Currently, there are 106 members from 44 countries, including Habermas (Germany), Hintikka (Finland), D. P. Chattopadhyyaya (India), Appiah (Ghana), Imamichi Tomonobu (Japan), Lektorski (Russia), Nasr (Iran), and Searle (USA). Charles Parsons, Hilary Putnam, and Amartya Sen on the Harvard faculty are also members.

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