On October 14th, 2014, “A Christian-Buddhist Dialogue on Spiritual Exercise and Practical Wisdom in the 21st Century” was successfully held at Saint John Baptist College at University of Oxford by the Institute for Advanced Humanistic Studies at Peking University and Oxford China Centre and Faculty of Theology and Religion at University of Oxford. The dialogue was hosted by Professor Tu Weiming who is the founding Dean of the Institute for Advanced Humanistic Studies at Peking University. Four famous theology and buddhist scholars and religious leaders participated in the dialogue. More than a dozen of professors of different religions (such as Catholicism, Hinduism, Islam, sikhism, Taoism) and nearly 200 scholars and students attended the dialogue.
Themes: Profoundly meaningful ways of learning to be human in Christianity and Buddhism; How leaders and scholars of both religions deal with global issues threatening the viability of humanity and environment.
Chairman: Professor Tu Weiming, Dean of the Institute for Advanced Humanistic Studies at Peking University, and Senior Fellow of the Asian Center at Harvard University.
Reverend Professor Alister McGrath, Director of the Ian Ramsey Centre for Science and Religion, University of Oxford;
Venerable Abbot Shi Yongxin of Shaolin Buddhism Temple, Deputy Director of Chinese Buddhism Association;
Canon Brian Mountford, Vicar of the University Church, Oxford;
Professor Max Deeg, School of History, Archaeology and Religion, University of Cardiff
Post-Dialogue: Shaolin Kungfu demonstration by Shaolin Temple monks
[:zh]北京大学高等人文研究院与英国牛津大学中国研究中心和神学与宗教学院于2014年10月14日在牛津大学圣约翰学院联合举办了“基督教与佛教对话——21世纪的精神修炼与实践智慧”( A Christian-Buddhist Dialogue on Spiritual Exercise and Practical Wisdom in the 21st Century)。这一世界两大宗教之间高端学术对话由高等人文研究院院长杜维明教授主持,四位知名神学与佛教学者和宗教领袖参加了对话。十几位来着牛津、剑桥和英国各大学研究不同宗教的教授(如天主教、印度教、伊斯兰教、锡克教、道教)与近200位学者、学生出席了对话。
杜维明院长主持会议,释永信方丈和阿里斯特·麦格拉斯教授等知名神学与佛教学者和宗教领袖参加了对话(邹相 供图)
牛津大学伊安·拉姆希科学与宗教中心主任阿里斯特·麦格拉斯(Alister McGrath)教授发言(邹相 供图)
牛津大学伊安·拉姆希科学与宗教中心主任阿里斯特·麦格拉斯(Alister McGrath)教授做了题为‘为什么基督教与佛教的对话意义非凡’的演讲。他从解释为什么约翰·希克(1920-2012)的对话框架已显过时入题,论证新的方法更加注重宗教之间的差异,并在这样的背景下诠释由彼得·奥克斯和大卫·福特等思想家发展起来的“经文辨读”运动的思想和实践含义。中国嵩山少林寺方丈释永信大和尚认为,交流与对话是佛教的重要传统,也是佛教徒一项重要的宗教修为。少林寺及其精神传承包括三个方面:因拔苦而生,为众生而在;因对话而生,为和平而在;因实践而生,为超越而在。牛津大学教堂法政牧师布莱恩·芒特福德 (Brain Mountford)博士的演讲围绕“信仰一个形而上学意义上的神”的困惑而展开。当今英国社会已经拒斥了教会的等级机制及它的规范性教义,但基督教传统所提供的社群、道德规范等重要价值却无处不在。他将这种“有灵性特质、无宗教特质”的现象表述为“有宗教归属、无宗教信仰”,并指出采取更具开放性、探索性的进路是教会面临的实践挑战。加的夫大学历史、考古和宗教学院院长宁梵夫(Max Deeg)教授提出,华严宗中一切因缘生的概念和净土的概念与一些基本的道德准则结合在一起,影响了中国佛教对社会和环境责任的看法,从这个角度看待“精神修炼”与“实践智慧”,佛教并不是一成不变的建制性宗教。